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  4. extractPhoneNumbers method

extractPhoneNumbers method


extractPhoneNumbers — Extracts phone numbers from a text.


This method is used to extract phone numbers from a given text. If one or more phone numbers are found inside a text it will extract a collection of phone numbers.

Minimum number of arguments for this method is one.

Structure of the method:



text— this is the text that will be checked for containing phone numbers inside it.


In the example below, we will show all the extractPhoneNumbers fetches a collection of phone numbers from a text.

//Fetch email addresses from a text

{% set text = 'Flexie CRM has two main phone numbers for support, +355 (67) 300-2887 and +1(719) 645-7003. You can reach both numbers in case you need support.' %}

{% set phoneNumbersList = extractPhoneNumbers(text) %}

{% for phoneNumber in phoneNumbersList%}
{% endfor %}


// +355 (67) 300-2887
// +1(719) 645-7003

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