findMany — finds records on a specific entity by filtering with a Field Alias
Minimum number of arguments for this method is three. The first argument is the entity name and the other two are Field Alias – Field Values pair that will filter the result.
Structure of the method:
findMany('Entity Name', 'Field Alias', 'Field Value', 'Order by Field Alias', 'Order direction', 'Limit')
The first argument is always Entity Name like for example “lead” or “contact”.
First pair:
Field Alias
— Field alias to search for like first_name, email etc
Field Value
— Field alias value
Second pair:
Order by Field Alias
— Sort the data by a selected Field Alias
Order direction
— The data order in ascending or descending
— The limit number we want to fetch
{% set leads= findMany('lead','status', 'pending', 'date_modified','desc')%} {% for lead in leads%} {{lead.first_name}} - {{}} {% endfor %} //Output: List of first_name - last_name of leads with status pending, ordered by date_modified, descending
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